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January Meeting

1.  Niskayuna Schools Capital Project and Bond Vote

Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, Niskayuna School Superintendent, will join our coalition meeting to present information about the upcoming capital project and to answer your questions about the bond vote scheduled for February 9, 2021.

The building project focuses on health, safety and infrastructure work such as boilers and roof replacement, and improvements to educational and program space, including athletic  fields. The plan includes improvements that will enable grade reconfiguration to a 5-8 middle school program at two locations (5-6 at Van Antwerp and 7-8 at Iroquois). Adding classrooms and moving 5th grade out of the elementary schools will provide space needed to accommodate projected enrollment growth.

Check out the district website for more information here.

2. Covid-19 facts and misunderstandings

N-CAP board member Carmen Cardinale is a family nurse practitioner at Community Care Physicians Internal Medicine in Delmar. She will share up-to-date information about Covid-19 and answer questions about common misunderstandings that she hears in her day-to-day interaction with patients.

For more information or to participate in the January meeting, email for the zoom link.

December 14

December Meeting

February 22

February Meeting